I have placed donkeys in group homes and therapy situations. Even small children can be successful in handling a friendly donkey and that can really foster self-confidence and teach the benefits of nurturing. Children can be given great freedom with them because they seldom bit or kick and they crave attention. Miniature donkeys are wonderful friends and companions. Watching donkeys play is a delight and I often sit back with a cup of tea or a glass of wine and enjoy the show! They play with toys, rear and box at each other, and have several happy attacks a day. They are tremendously social and their play behavior with each other is much like that of a young horse, but they never outgrow it. One of the most important things to understand about these little guys is they need each other, even when kept with horses, sheep, goats, etcetera. They need their hooves trimmed every six to eight weeks, should be de-wormed every two to three months, and require the same vaccinations and schedule as a horse does. They founder easily if overfed and this and related issues is the number one killer of Miniature Donkeys, other than advanced age. They require a high fiber – low protein diet. Decent quality grass or grain hay is perfect for them, with alfalfa and grain being rarely appropriate. They need room to run and play but require much less space than a horse. Most are really disgusted with rain but don’t seem to mind the cold. They don’t require blanketing or confinement in inclement weather as they have an excellent sense of self-preservation. A three-sided shelter is perfect for them as they will go in when they need to. They need shelter from the elements but don’t need to be fussed over. Miniature Donkeys are easy to live with and economical to keep. The average donkey will weigh 250 to 450 pounds and stand 30″ to 36″ high. They should also look athletic and capable of performing a multitude of tasks.

Their conformation should be that of a well-rounded animal standing on four straight legs with all parts in symmetry and balance. The life expectancy of a well-cared Miniature Donkey is around 30-35 years, and they can often do that with a minimum of special needs. They are referred to as jacks, jennets, and geldings.

Miniature Donkeys must not measure more than 36″ at the withers to be registered and come in a variety of colors including grey, brown, sorrel, black, or spotted. Many more are registered in Canada, and recently they have become a popular export to Europe and other foreign countries. Today there are over 52,000 registered in the United States. They were first introduced to this country in 1929. Because of this, the Miniature Donkeys in North America have global genetic value. They have been crossed with standard-sized donkeys to create a more versatile work animal. Because these industries have changed native Miniature Donkeys are no longer used for these purposes and are almost extinct in their lands of origin. It is easy to observe today how the donkeys’ demeanor fit the lives of rural people. Bred to be small, tough, docile, and trainable, they were used to carry firewood, deliver freshly baked bread, pull carts filled with laundry, and were used to pull ore carts in mines. Miniature Donkeys are native to the Mediterranean islands of Sicily and Sardinia. They have enriched and broadened my life for many years, and I don’t expect to ever be without them.

Having Miniature Donkeys in your life is like bringing home new friends. They have highly adaptable personalities that lend themselves to a myriad of situations. They are safe around small children and those with physical or mental considerations. Miniature Donkeys are inexpensive to live with and almost trouble-free as they are hardy and long-lived.

They learn quickly and are very eager to please. They will ask for your attention with nudges, brays, and funny little sounds. They really make an emotional bond with their owners, and with anyone else who gives them a chance. A relationship with them is often more like owning a dog rather than what most people consider an equine relationship. Miniature Donkeys are intelligent, comical, friendly, endearing little creatures that create extraordinary human/equine bonds.